Tuesday, Marcia and I went exploring. We have wanted to hike Box Canyon for 2 years but just never could find the time. So ... we took the time and had a great experience. For those of you wanting to know, Box Canyon is 1/4 S of 3400 S on 1500 E in Gooding County. Here is a view from Google Earth (on GE the white boxes are pictures of the area).

At the bottom of the East end of the canyon (right in photo above) are two beautiful clear pools that flow from the bottom of the canyon wall.

The hike took us about 3 hours. It is just over 1 1/2 miles down to the end of Box canyon. The river running in the bottom is clear and beautiful. There is a trail from the canyon rim down to the river. There is a nice deck overlooking a beautiful waterfall. All in all ......... one gorgeous place. We were tired when we got home but enjoyed every minute of it.
The last photo is of the beautiful waterfall that is in the cusp of the river flowing out of the canyon. If you look at the first picture, this falls is located 2nd white dot from the left (just beyond the cusp).
Hmmmm! It doesn't look like a box!!! Is this one of those Idaho things?!?!
Okay, so it looks like a snake. It got it's name from the fact that as the early explorers went from the Snake river up the stream they found themselves "boxed" in. Okay, so I don't know the real story, but this one sounds very good, don't you think.
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