Saturday, August 30, 2008

What's fair is FAIR!!

I know it's a dumb title but all that I could think of. Today started with helping the Ellis family move into our ward. We had a lot of help but it still took 2 hours. I am instituting a new rule in the Jerome 1st Ward. If you move into our ward you cannot bring more stuff than will fit into an 8 foot moving truck. The preferred method is to have professional movers move you in. Like that would ever happen! hahahaha.........hope you know I am just kidding. Of course we love to help!! I then stopped by to see the new family from Missouri that just moved into our ward. He will be the new city manager for Jerome. They are the Marchant family. When I got home I was surprised to see that Marcia was home. I miss her terribly when she's gone, so I was extremely excited to see her.

We delivered some squash to the new families.........your not official until you have accepted your first zucchini!!

We then went to Gooding to pick up mom and dad and take them and their wheel chairs to the Twin Falls County Fair. Dad keeps wanting to walk, so our rule is ... if you walk you have to push the wheel chair. He gets very tired and soon says "I don't think I can do this anymore." We then put him in the wheel chair and he rides until he forgets why he is riding and wants to walk. Repeat.

I think they both had a good time. We toured all the building exhibits and saw the longhorn cattle and chickens. We had a dish of ice cream and the Buhl Methodists booth and when it looked like mom and dad were worn out we left. Actually, the ones worn out were Marcia and Gary. It was fun and as we left the storm clouds were gathering from the south. We got just a couple of drops but then it all dried up.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thou shalt not envy thy friends........maybe, just a little!

Our dear friends Mike and Kathy just got their Mission Call to the Fiji Suva Mission to serve a CES Mission. They have been called for 23 months and report the 29th of December. They will be training, teaching, and some proselyting.


to Mike and Kathy.

Peaches are just good!!

This I have learned from my friend John.

Mom, Dad, and I had to put that to the test today. On our drive we stopped by the Kelly Orchard south of Buhl and picked up a box of peaches. Mom very gingerly let me have 3 of her peaches. I can personally attest that.......are you ready for this?..."Peaches are just good!!"

We had a big fire between Gooding and Wendell that burned somewhere around 1300 acres. It came up a couple of places to the edge of Highway 46. We had a fire in that region last year. I didn't think there would be enough fuel to support another fire this soon.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is One Happy Day!!

I am so excited!! Annahleise sent some pictures of the grandkids that we have not been able to see this year. They are growing so big and we miss them. So guess get to see two of our grandkids that are way fun kiddos and both have beautiful red hair. If you are really good I may post some other pictures for you. Aislinn is into dancing and Jorre is into soccer and it looks like guitar. Makes sense 'cause his dad is a guitar player in the band Accidental Genius. I have found at least one YouTube appearance of Chris and the Band. Have a great day, I am already having one.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wedding in Twin Falls Temple

My 2nd Counselor's son, Keith, married his sweetheart, Courtney, today in the new Twin Falls Temple. It was a beautiful session as they were sealed for all time and eternity as husband and wife. They make a lovely couple.

I also went through a Temple session with Walt (my 1st Counselor) and Carlyne. It was a special day in many ways.

I also got to talk to Jorre and Aislinn, two of my grandchildren. They are excited about school and love their teachers. Their mom, Annahleise, is working with special ed students and spends part of her day in their school as well as other schools in the district. She is loving her job and she has the same hours that J and A have so it works out good for all of them.

Got a Facebook message from the Emster, my oldest grand daughter, and she starts college tomorrow. She is really excited and I know she will do well. I am so excited for her and this new phase of her life. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! YEAH!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Sky is Falling!!! oooops, I mean burning!

Today Marcia left to go help her mother. All of her sisters and brother that live in and around Brigham City are either hunting or in Hawaii. Me, I would choose Hawaii. Took mom and dad for a drive, cut dad's hair and did the wash. Mom fixed lunch and I did the dishes. They were shingling the new porch. Dad was driving mom crazy with "what are they doing out there?" repeated 100 times. Coming back to Jerome the sky is an eerie shade of blue-gray. Just above Jerome and to the east. The air smells smoky. Just way weird!! (Later) Go to get in the car to go to Family Home Evening and the car is covered with ash. I find out at FHE that the cause of the ash is the Jarbridge fire down near the Nevada/Idaho border. It started in a wilderness area away from civilization and the officials said, "Let it burn". Now, of course, it is out of control. Duhhhhh! Did they learn nothing from the Yellowstone Fire?? Oh well, the smoke smells kinda cool.

Another classmate, Ron Post has passed away at the age of 68. Of the 88 graduating class members of the Class of 57, 25 have passed away. That's nearly 1/3 of the class in 50 years. Don't know what other classes average but I think this is not a good trend. Okay, yes, I realize we all have a limited time here. Some get more time than others, but it's me not you that is in this statistic, okay?? Seems like a lot. I don't dwell on it much............then why do I always read the obituaries??

Had to call the police, again, last night. The next door neighbors are driving me mad. At 1:15 am there are around 6 people out there being loud, obnoxious and then a car with 4 more drives up. That was the straw. I called dispatch and soon 2 cruisers were there. It quieted down somewhat.

By the way, is anyone interested in some zucchini or yellow squash? We can't give it away fast enough.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Twin Falls Temple Dedication and Celebration

The last two days have been exciting days for the Luther family. I have been involved in our Youth Commemoration Celebration that saw it's finale last night.

The practices for the youth started about 4 months ago. It was all worth it. President Thomas S. Monson, President and Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was present at last nights performance. Somewhere around 3500 youth participated and did a totally awesome job. The Times News (local newspaper) has some photos of the event at
They did a "Potatoe Rap" that was totally hillarious. They had a young man that performed that was an awesome ballet dancer. President Monson, President Eyring, Elder Costas, and Elder Cook attended. President Monson brought his daughter who is also in the Young Women's Presidency of the church. One highlight for me was that I got to watch the performance with Marcia. I had been over all day since 10:00 am. She came to see the 7:00 pm performance and guess what there was a vacant seat right next to her........not for long.


Today was the dedication of the Twin Falls Idaho Temple. President Monson and President Eyring, 1st Counselor to President Monson, were here for the dedication as well as Elder Quinton Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Costas of the Seventy. They held four dedication sessions with the cornerstone ceremony being part of the 1st session. Marcia and I attended the 1st session which was televised via satellite into our Stake Center at 9:00 am and then we also got to attend the last session that was held at 4:30 pm in the Twin Falls Temple. It was a very spiritual experience and we were admonished to attend the Temple often.