Sunday, August 24, 2008

Twin Falls Temple Dedication and Celebration

The last two days have been exciting days for the Luther family. I have been involved in our Youth Commemoration Celebration that saw it's finale last night.

The practices for the youth started about 4 months ago. It was all worth it. President Thomas S. Monson, President and Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was present at last nights performance. Somewhere around 3500 youth participated and did a totally awesome job. The Times News (local newspaper) has some photos of the event at
They did a "Potatoe Rap" that was totally hillarious. They had a young man that performed that was an awesome ballet dancer. President Monson, President Eyring, Elder Costas, and Elder Cook attended. President Monson brought his daughter who is also in the Young Women's Presidency of the church. One highlight for me was that I got to watch the performance with Marcia. I had been over all day since 10:00 am. She came to see the 7:00 pm performance and guess what there was a vacant seat right next to her........not for long.


Today was the dedication of the Twin Falls Idaho Temple. President Monson and President Eyring, 1st Counselor to President Monson, were here for the dedication as well as Elder Quinton Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Costas of the Seventy. They held four dedication sessions with the cornerstone ceremony being part of the 1st session. Marcia and I attended the 1st session which was televised via satellite into our Stake Center at 9:00 am and then we also got to attend the last session that was held at 4:30 pm in the Twin Falls Temple. It was a very spiritual experience and we were admonished to attend the Temple often.

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