My 2nd Counselor's son, Keith, married his sweetheart, Courtney, today in the new Twin Falls Temple. It was a beautiful session as they were sealed for all time and eternity as husband and wife. They make a lovely couple.
I also went through a Temple session with Walt (my 1st Counselor) and Carlyne. It was a special day in many ways.
I also got to talk to Jorre and Aislinn, two of my grandchildren. They are excited about school and love their teachers. Their mom, Annahleise, is working with special ed students and spends part of her day in their school as well as other schools in the district. She is loving her job and she has the same hours that J and A have so it works out good for all of them.
Got a Facebook message from the Emster, my oldest grand daughter, and she starts c

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