Ran across some pictures while going through storage the other day. The phrase "Those were the good old days" sure brought some tears to my eyes. This was a photo of our little family abt. 1972. The boys from left to right are: Michael, David, Gary Lynn, Terry, and Christopher. It occurs to me that Marcia is as beautiful to me now as she was then. Those were days of happiness. The smiles on the faces are smiles that were always there. We had lost our first angel, Kristine, 10 years earlier and nearly lost Gary Lynn at that time. Life was precious and fleeting. Eight years later we would lose Gary Lynn. How many times I would have gone back to that day and changed so many things, but time waits for no man and there is no going back. LESSON: Every day, as often as you can, tell those around you that you love them because there is not always a second chance.

This is Kristine. She was a precious daughter and brought much joy into our lives. She went through much as we tried to correct the problems with her hips she was born with, I believe it was called, "Congenital Dislocated Hips". She was put in a cast from the armpits to the tip of her toes that had wooden stilts attached. We could hold her hands and she could twist to make the stilts walk her forward.

This is picture is of Gary Lynn and Terry. Terry was born in 1964 and this is probably around Christmas time. Notice the bouffant hairdo. Now those were the days. Notice also the white athletic socks with the colored band around the top. Classy!! Narrow ties were in as was plaid. Darn we are a cute family if I do say so myself.
Those really were the good old days!!
Hey! Cool Pics Dad. I love looking at those old pictures.
Hey Bishop, this is Trish Whitehurst! I found your blog from the chintzy chicks e-mail. Hope you don't mind I leave ya a comment. I think these pictures are so neat! And congratulations on your anniversary!
It is funny how we have such similar pictures ?! How did the time fly by so fast? It has been a great ride though!
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